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Pina Espinoza Carrizosa
Dec 17, 20203 min read
CASE STUDY Nº 4: Highly Qualified Professional
In this forth case study, I want to tell you about an application for a Golden Visa for Highly Qualified Professionals. This residence...
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Pina Espinoza Carrizosa
Nov 28, 20203 min read
CASE STUDY Nº 3: EU Registry Certificate
This third Case Study is about the so-called EU Registry Certificate (Certificado de Registro para Ciudadanos de la UE). Here you can see...
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Pina Espinoza Carrizosa
Nov 27, 20202 min read
Official Notice on TIE-Appointments
Whenever a non-EU citizen obtains a residence permit or visa for Spain that is issued with a duration of more than 6 months, they have to...
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Pina Espinoza Carrizosa
Nov 20, 20202 min read
PCR Within 72 Hours Before Travelling to Spain
Starting on Monday, November 23rd, Spanish authorities will ask for a negative PCR from international travellers who come here from...
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Pina Espinoza Carrizosa
Nov 13, 20201 min read
BASICS: Legalisation of Documents
Whenever an applicant has to present a public document of one country to the authorities of another, the document has to be legalised in...
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Pina Espinoza Carrizosa
Nov 13, 20203 min read
CASE STUDY Nº 2: Golden Visa Real Estate
As the second case study, I have chosen the topic Golden Visa through real estate investment. INTRO: GOLDEN VISA The Golden Visa through...
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Pina Espinoza Carrizosa
Nov 8, 20201 min read
BASICS: What is the NIE?
Whenever you hear someone talking about the NIE in Spain, they usually mean either the residence permit of a foreigner or the physical...
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Pina Espinoza Carrizosa
Oct 25, 20202 min read
Great NEWS: Parents of Spaniards or EU citizens finally included in the EU Regime!
If you are the family member of an EU citizen and you yourself are from a non-EU country, you can apply for a Residence Card for Family...
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Pina Espinoza Carrizosa
Oct 23, 20203 min read
CASE STUDY Nº 1: Non-Lucrative Residence Permit: Miami
What does a typical case look like? By writing case studies for the most common services, I hope that you can get a better idea about...
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Pina Espinoza Carrizosa
Oct 23, 20202 min read
Documents: Marriage Certificate
If you want to apply for a visa and/or residence permit for Spain and you are applying with your spouse, you will have to present a...
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Pina Espinoza Carrizosa
Oct 19, 20202 min read
Timing is everything: UK Citizens and Spanish Residency
Who would have thought that we would find ourselves in this situation? The UK is about to leave the EU and, if no miracle happens, they...
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Oct 16, 20202 min read
Introducing: Artemis Law
Welcome to Artemis Law! My name is Pina Espinoza and I am very happy to be introducing my new project, Artemis Law. After having worked...
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