UK Citizens and the Non-Lucrative Residence Permit
Apply for a Non-Lucrative Residence Permit for Spain if you want to spend more than 90 days at a time here.
UK Citizens and the Non-Lucrative Residence Permit
New Visa and Residence Permit Options for non-EU Professionals in the Audio-Visual Sector
CASE STUDY Nº 6: First Successful Non-Lucrative Residence Permit in London for UK Citizens
UPDATE 29/06/21: UK Removed From the List of Countries Exempt From EU Travel Restrictions!!!!
The Importance of Timing for a Residence Permit Application
UPDATE: Travel Documents for UK Citizens to Enter Spain
BREXIT CONFUSION IN SPAIN AND AT THE BORDER: Document to Keep Residence in Spain
BREXIT: Important alert for EU nationals moving/living in the UK
Timing is everything: UK Citizens and Spanish Residency